Wednesday, November 20, 2013

God Pause

A Mighty Fortress ... our refuge and our strength ... a very present help in trouble ... the Lord of hosts ... all are themes embedded in this beloved psalm. As notes sounded by Martin Luther in the Reformation, these words are written in the hearts and minds especially of Lutherans and others who stand in the Reformation tradition.

In the midst of this psalm is another very well-known and comforting verse. We are encouraged to take time and meditate on that precious good news of the One who is our refuge and strength, We hear these comforting words, "Be still and know that I am God." I have a friend who, before she leaves her car, spends 30 seconds in prayerful meditation before she goes to that next place in her very busy day.

In our disjointed lives, when we race from one appointment to the next, from one place to another, this simple practice can help us re-configure each of the events that make up our day. These words are most comforting. "Be still and know that I am God."

O God our refuge, help us to seek out your presence that we might find strength and comfort in the promise that you are a very present help in trouble. Amen.
Paul Herpich
Pastor, King of Kings Lutheran Church, Liverpool, N.Y.
Doctor of Ministry, 2008

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