Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sooner is Almost Always Better Than Later

I can put gas in the car on the way home from work, or on the way into work.  There really is not much difference with a little planning.

  • The gas station is open 24 hours so it shouldn't matter
  • The price (except for spring... and fall...and summer...and thursdays before traveling weekends... and when there's a full moon) will most likely stay the same
  • It will take the same amount of time 
However I remember a speaker at a Creative Memories convention saying, "Our family life has improved by leaps and bounds just by following one simple rule, 'do it sooner rather than later!'  It takes out the element of surprise and leaves us feeling more relaxed."

I think this is a dandy idea, and believe it with my whole heart.  (I also believe not eating sweets and regular, even strenuous, exercise is a good thing!) As we all know, believing something and incorporating it into your lifestyle are two different things.  Mainly because of laziness.  By the time I drive home, I'm tired and I think tomorrow morning I will be fresh and feel more like filling the gas tank.  Well you know what...that never happens!  I never feel like filling the gas tank.  "Later" whether it's the next morning or next week is full of the unknown.  My alarm could not go off.  I could spill something and have to change clothes.  It could (hello Minnesota) be 20 degrees colder or snowing.  But I find when I force myself to "just do it" as the famous footwear brand tells us, it builds in a buffer of peace.

  I can't be scrambling on Saturday or Sunday to find rest.The number one thing I need to do, is make a weekly menu and shopping list.  I have done this off and on through the years and when I follow a weekly menu, we:

  • eat better tasting food
  • eat healthier food
  • have less stress when it comes to preparing meals
  • gain time throughout the week
I have come to realize that if I want Sabbath to be blessed and restful, I have to get the rest of my week in order. So why don't I always do this?   Laziness.  It requires time and creativity.  It is easier to come into the house and say, "let's order a pizza" than it is to sit down and plan something out for a week. (And that's the sitting part, don't get me started on the shopping part)

So I have decided to grab the bull by the horns, and go back to the simple menu schedule I have used in the past.  I love this form (click on it to see it enlarged) because as I write down my meal idea I immediately write down what I need to shop for to prepare it. (Please don't judge my eating habits lol! I can send you a blank copy if you like) It works no matter which day of the week you like to shop, I have however planned my week with shopping on Saturday in mind. (Which is only important when it comes to how I use left overs) 

I am convinced that some pre-planning will make life easier....check back to see how it's working.

Today the menu...tomorrow perhaps a cleaning chart ugh!

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