Monday, May 5, 2014

Sabbath Unplugged-8 Reasons To Unplug For Sabbath

8.  We can connect more meaningfully person to person with family and friends. Texting is efficient, Facebook is fun, e-mail is necessary, a phone call is more personal, but how about face to face conversation?  Actively listening. Observing body language, hugging, touching and being connected!
7.  We get more done.  I mean the "other stuff" not e-mail and computer work but other stuff!  You name it. (No really, I want you to name 10 things you could get done without  a computer on, T.V. radio, phone etc interrupting you!)
6.  It helps us focus, or gives a new focus.  What if you looked at a project, a book, a loved one, with all of your senses focusing on what you were doing.  How would that change things?
5.  It opens space for the unknown "Other" to grow.  How do you know what thoughts, ideas, creativity, relationships could flow into your life, if it's full of  someone else's stories, music, problems, nagging etc.
4.  It Forces us to be Creative.  Are you a little panicked at the thought of no phone, i-pod, TV, computer?  Good, let that panic begin to move you into a space of creativity!
3.  Silence IS Golden.  Spending time with our thoughts let's us know what we're still thinking! Can you do it?
2.  No Google forces you to exercise your memory.  If every answer is at our fingertips, our brain never has to use those memory synapsis which is a major way to keep it healthy!
1.  It let's "The Main Thing" be the main thing.  Let God be your God for the day.  Let Rest be Rest for the day.  Let one thing unfold into the next just for one day instead of multiple things happening at once.

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