Thursday, May 15, 2014

28 Things to say Yes to on the Sabbath

When our lives are busy and we declare one day a week as "Sabbath"... something different... something set apart, sometimes it can be challenging to figure out what that means.  If we're not doing the ordinary, how do we fill our time?
  1. Joyful Worship
  2. Feasting
  3. Teach someone something
  4. Paint
  5. Learn how to play an instrument
  6. Surprise someone who is lonely with a visit
  7. Pay "it" forward A link to "pay it forward" ideas
  8. Do a Bible study
  9. Learn something new
  10. Memorize poetry or Scripture
  11. Journal
  12. Pray
  13. Walk, and enjoy the surroundings
  14. Float don't swim
  15. Nap
  16. Read
  17. Bask
  18. Feast
  19. Play
  20. Listen attentively
  21. Be outside rain or shine
  22. Play a board Game
  23. Bake
  24. Make a puzzle
  25. Call a friend
  26. Write a Thank you note
  27. Do Yoga
  28. Be

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