Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Communing With the Creator

I want to surround my Sabbath with reminders of why I am keeping the Sabbath!  Music, exercise, art and peace.

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” St. Francis of Assisi, author of this saying, was a master at proclaiming the gospel in creative ways. The creator of the living nativity, St. Francis made the good news of the birth of Jesus accessible to the people of his time through the use of worship visuals.

Andy Otto says, "Art has long been a way the Church has tapped into the divine.  art can unlock the secret depths of the heart. Though a painting stimulates the visual sense, there’s something about a painting that somehow touches the more interior parts of us too. "

Bob Gilroy has a wonderful site called, Prayer Windows.  There are steps on how to 

begin to pray with art.  
By adding something creative into Sabbath it seems like we commune with God THE Creator just a little bit.

In the Garden                                                                                            A view from above

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