Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sabbath in the Wilderness

I have just returned from "the edge!"  That's right, the edge I tell ya!  Women On The Edge went on a Dogsled, Ski and Snowshoe Adventure, an hour north of Grand Marais Minnesota.  (I know...it seems impossible that there is an hour left of Minnesota after Grand Marais, but there is!) This year our theme was "Catch Your Breath"

The camp is remote, we have to "pack in."  (Which is the cool way to say you haul in what you need under your own steam.)  and there is no cell service, no T.V., no videos...just peace, peace, peace.  From Thursday evening at 11 p.m. when we start our hike across the lake to get to camp, until Sunday morning when we hike back there is a tsunami of peace!

If I had to make a list (which I guess I have...repeatedly) of the things I want in my Sabbath, every one of them was realized on this weekend.

  • Beautiful surroundings
  • A place, time and activities which are different from the every day
  • Wonderful company
  • New challenges
  • Time to worship
  • Time to spend in prayer
  • Time to read
  • Time to do art
  • Time to be
  • Time
Every year, the third weekend in January is when we go on this amazing weekend.  I would love to have you experience a weekend where you can catch your breath

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