As the head
trainer of the Washington Redskins, Bubba Tyer sees more athletic injuries in a week than your family doctor sees in a year. so here are some tips from Tyer and his staff, and David Price, head trainer of the New York Jets. Here's what to do the next time...YOU GET THE WIND KNOCKED OUT OF YOU
Try to relax as you wait to regain your breath -- panicking can lead to hyperventilation when your lungs finally start working again. When you're able, clamber to your knees and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
When you feel like you can't catch your breath it's because you forgot to do something.
You forgot to exhale. That's right! Before you can bring air into your lungs, you have to create a place for it by exhaling. Concentrate on exhaling fully. Slow down so you can breathe purposefully, and don't keep inhaling without exhaling!

1. Don't panic when life knocks the wind out of you. Have a plan, when you can clamber onto your knees and begin to breathe again
2. To keep from panicking create space in your life by exhaling. Let go of something so there is room for peace.
Here is a list of ways you can Catch Your Breath
- Pray first
- Lean on your friends -
- Tear off half your to-do list - Realistically half of your to-do list is essential and half is optional. Sure, you want to get it all done, but in this case sticking to just the essentials, will leave you with spare time to catch your breath.
- Ask for mercy - No matter where the waves are coming from there is someone, somewhere who can give you mercy if only you ask for it.
- Downgrade your expectations but mark your place -
- Take one step at a time and do one thing at a time -
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